
Not everyone is capable or willing to explore the hidden teachings of the arcane arts.
Internal power cannot be mastered by the lazy or the inattentive.


Throughout the tai chi syllabus there is a need to grapple and to avoid grapples.
Yet, grappling is tiring and wastes time.
It is necessary to avoid being held.

Shuai jiao offers leverage principles that enable the student to evade holds with ease.

From the very beginning of their training students explore:
  1. Against a grappler
  2. Escapes
  3. Floor work
  4. Floor work (control)
  5. Freeform grappling
  6. Monkey paws
  7. Pushing legs
  8. Yielding/chin na
Escapes and floor work are particularly important skills.
They enable the defender to remove themselves from harm without the use of brute force.