"Dear Sifu Waller,does Shuai Jiao have forms? Also,does Shuai Jiao have more grappling than striking? Lastly,how long does it usually take for one to earn a black belt in Shuai Jiao? Thank you."
Baguazhang and tai chi chuan feature a significant range of shuai jiao applications
Each art has its own form that can be applied as chin na, jing or shuai jiao, dependent upon the individual student's skill and insight.
Shuai jiao is about taking people down to the floor.
Typically, there is no striking.
As a form of grappling shuai jiao works in tandem with the various pushing hands (grappling) skills, and chin na (seizing, not grappling) or jing (sensitivity skills & striking without tension).
We don't offer a separate belt in shuai jiao.
One student gained his black belt in tai chi and baguazhang within 5 years.
Most people take longer than this.