
Not everyone is capable or willing to explore the hidden teachings of the arcane arts.
Internal power cannot be mastered by the lazy or the inattentive.


If shuai jiao does not work: chin na, if chin na does not work: strike... 

Old news?


It is common for students in a martial arts class to tense-up.
This bad habit is often acquired at a young age.

The problem with tensing is that it locks the joints and stops the skeleton from moving freely.
Instead of falling to the floor in an organic, natural way... the body is stiff, brittle and rigid, and falls like a plank of wood.

There is a Chuang Tzu story about a drunken man falling out of a cart.
His inebriated state meant that he did not realise that he was falling, nor did he tense-up.
Consequently, he was not injured by the fall.
This is not promoting drunkenness or 'spacing-out'; but rather: relaxation.

The drunken man simply went with what was happening - without resistance - and was unharmed.


The human survival mechanism is referred to as 'the reptile brain'.It is the primitive part of our brain that deals with instinctive requirements rather than thoughts and desires.

When attacked, a human being experiences the 'fight or flight' response. You either defend yourself or you run away.

Our classes do not want people to freeze, run or become aggressive. We do not want to use the fight or flight response.There is an alternative.
The aim is to become composed and detached
Self-consciousness ceases. The mind becomes quiet and you are absorbed into the immediate.


When a student fails to train at home, they should commit a reasonable period of time before the lesson to preparing their body.
Loosen the joints, lengthen the muscles, improve flexibility.
Do not simply rush into combat.

Avoid a cursory workout; the time you commit to sensible training is an investment in your own wellbeing.


Training daily at home between lessons is the best way to avoid injury in or out of class.
A gentle daily workout will significantly strengthen your body.

Stronger muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments - combined with mobile joints - will enable your body to respond to adversity in a better way.


I am really enjoying learning baguazhang. Learning two different concepts of internal art really gives you a lot to think about and take in. The teaching method is exactly how I would want it to be. Focusing on one aspect of bagua one week, and then another aspect the next, never combining. You are clear and concise with your ideas, teachings and requests. I feel that this is vital to a student being able to learn. The student must be able to listen though or the teachings are pointless.

 Within the baguazhang class, I like the fact that there are no belts. Everyone has equal status, although different levels of capability. The class has a clear path; each class seems to have a message or a lesson to be learned. Not just learning 'something', but a specific lesson. I will always leave a bagua session with something new in my head. Again, I feel this is vital to keeping interest levels up without overdosing on information. I guess that this comes down to only teaching someone what they are capable of understanding.

 (Barnaby Baron)


Imagine a woodcutter with an axe...

If he hacks at the wood using great force and muscle strength, he will rapidly become tired.
The axe head has weight and so does the shaft.
When chopping, the woodcutter must propel the axe using his body.
If he softens the tension in his own frame, he can use momentum to swing the axe.
Tension in his muscles and joints will block movement.
It is the movement that produces momentum and the greater the momentum, the more powerful the stroke.

Think of an athletics event where a hammer, discus or shot putt is thrown...

The person moves their body in an arc, allowing the hammer to pull out from the body.
Centrifugal force draws the hammer around the arc, increasing its weight and power.

They move their body around the hammer, increasing momentum but sustaining the gravity.
Then they let go.
Striking in kung fu uses centrifugal power to gain momentum, then centripetal power to come back upon impact.


In self defence we do not aim to become nasty and cruel. Simply escape. Do only what is necessary.

Many kung fu students have a very balanced relationship with the world around them; animalsenvironment and people.
They refrain from hurting other people with words, actions or deeds.
Often, they are vegetarian and actively work to encourage other people to respect all life.

We can learn a lot from animals and can repay these lessons with kindness and compassion.


Some martial artists seek to be as fierce as an animal by copying the perceived behaviour of the beast.
Their emotions run wild, they lose control and become very aggressive.
This is not what we want in kung fu.

The kung fu person is not 
angry or aggressive; they are only doing what needs to be done.
Inwardly, the emotions are cool and relaxed, the mind quiet and expansive.
bearing suggests detachment combined with a physical readiness to act.


This is the animal way of martial arts: a potentially violent situation arouses animal instinct, which leads to fear, which activates the glands, which raises the heart rate, which engages the body, and it fights.

This is the human way of martial arts: a potentially violent situation instantly arouses the human ability to detect how best to handle the situation, without stressful anger, then the mind/body becomes tranquil and highly alert.

(Bruce Frantzis)


It is not enough to simply copy how an animal attacks. Nor is speed the answer.
Both body and mind must behave differently.
Neigong trains the body to move in a kung fu way; with connected, soft musculature and sensitivity.
Relaxation is imperative.

Unless your body is incredibly relaxed and balanced, it cannot move spontaneously in any direction.
Similarly, the mind must become quiet and alert.
Emotion must subside and awareness must grow considerably.
Mind, body and emotion are joined in every action - this joining is called shen.