
Not everyone is capable or willing to explore the hidden teachings of the arcane arts.
Internal power cannot be mastered by the lazy or the inattentive.


Do not push on impact.
That way, the kinetic energy will travel out of your body instead of just bouncing back.

Your intention goes through the opponent, not your punch.


Upon impact, your hand/elbow/knee sinks slightly into the opponent before bouncing back off again.
This process occurs naturally and need not be contrived.
If you pull off too soon, 4 ounces of pressure has not been established and the power will diminish.


We offer beginners classes that anyone may attend.
New starters and students with different levels of commitment are all welcome.

Whilst there are grades and belts, the onus is very much upon individual progress and achievement.
You can train as hard or as casually as you like.


Students often make the same mistakes when attempting fa jing:
  1. pushing upon impact
    - this approach is external in nature - the classic 'punch through the opponent' strategy
    - it is not tai chi
  2. 'cocking' the pelvis and/or shoulder
  3. lunging forward
  4. an obvious build-up
  5. jerky
  6. a step
    - your step should occur because of the release, rather than to cause the release
  7. tension in the striking tool
  8. overall tension in the body
  9. emotional tension: anger, aggression
  10. forcing
Fa jing is altogether different to these approaches.


We teach baguazhang as an extra to tai chi. We do not mix and match.

Why bother learning a second art?
  1. It's fun
  2. It's hard
  3. It is sneaky and deceptive
  4. It makes your footwork smoother
  5. It improves your spatial awareness
  6. It works well against multiple opponents
  7. It challenges you physically and cognitively
  8. It encourages spontaneity and improvisation
Any student who wants to put in a little extra practice time between lessons can learn baguazhang.