
Not everyone is capable or willing to explore the hidden teachings of the arcane arts.
Internal power cannot be mastered by the lazy or the inattentive.


Peter Southwood's main baguazhang influence is a man called Wang Shujin.
A kung fu student needs to have good character. They are held to a higher standard than other people.

Courtesy, manners, politeness and honesty are standard. Moral conduct and restraint are also expected.
It is important to take responsibility for what you are learning and show consideration to others who are less fortunate than you.

These may sound like old fashioned values but the martial arts tradition is an ancient one; and its values have proven their worth over the centuries.

Right conduct, courage, benevolence, respect, honour and self discipline are all a given in our classes.


Increased effectiveness is produced by gravity and heaviness in the striking limb, rather than pushing harder or striking faster.

Spontaneity is the key to fa jing. 

A tense body - with habitual holding patterns - will not provide an adequate conduit for kinetic energy to pass through.
If you can feel your own body moving, you are too tense. You should feel only the movement itself.

A free body is capable of striking instantly and spontaneously.

Fa jing looks fast but it is not a matter of speed. It is loose and sudden, not fast.
By relaxing the muscles and joints fully, the body is capable of spontaneous movement.
This is what makes fa jing seem fast - no preparation, no tensing-up beforehand.
Instant energy release.


The more advanced application of shuai jiao is abrupt and damaging.
The aim is to take the skills and reduce the time it takes to employ them.

Ultimately, it is is all about spontaneity.